Shadie Tradie

At Shadie Tradie, we understand the stigma behind the ‘Tough Australian Tradie’ are not the type of person to be buying SPF 50+ sunscreen lotion from the local chemist. Tradies have got a lot going on, they are constantly meeting deadlines and busy with work related tasks. The Shadie Tradie sun survival kit is a seasonal ‘care package’ for tradies. The box includes extra goodies to help cover up, stay safe and keep informed about the importance of their sun safety.

Services: Branding, Social Media, Merchandise, Packaging Design
Team: Sydney White Tear, Jessica Zappavigna, Jingwen Ye, Harrison Bell

Harsh Reality

In Australia, skin cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in our society yet medical experts state that it is one of the most preventable.

Living in a country where being outdoors and soaking in the sun equals to a healthy and ideal lifestyle, many citizens ignore the requests by doctors to look after our skin. Between the hours of 11am to 3pm the sun produces it’s harshest UV rays and those who work outdoors in these conditions are the most susceptible to its effects.

Healthy Habits

The core message for our social campaign is to inform outdoor workers on the importance of protecting their skin from the sun’s harsh UV rays.

In order to communicate this message effectively our campaign entitled Shadie Tradie will educate tradesmen of ways to ensure sun safety and of healthy habits that they can implement into their daily activities through the use of appropriate clothing and sun-screen application.